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Friday, November 13, 2015

Scenes of horror as a Paris night becomes a bloodbath

A string of coordinated attacks in and around the French capital of Paris has left at least 120 people dead and some 200 others injured, as a state of emergency is declared in the European country shaken by the horrific attacks.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Palestine - third intifada

Palestine - third intifada

Monday, November 9, 2015

third intifada

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Palestinian teen shot by Israelis stomped on, left to bleed to death

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Jewish Attack on Palestinian Home Kills Toddler

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Hamas calls for mobilization in support of Jerusalem on Friday

Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, in the West Bank called on the entire Palestinian people in the West Bank and Occupied Jerusalem to announce mobilization and participate in “The Friday of Anger” on July 31 in support of Occupied Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque.

In a statement, Hamas said the Friday of Anger comes in response to Israeli violations of and incursions into the holy Aqsa Mosque. It is, as well, in protest against arresting Palestinian female worshipers and assaulting the elderly and children. Besides it is in defense of the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). 

Friday, July 3, 2015

Two rockets fired from Egypt's Sinai hit Israel

Two rockets fired from Sinai struck southern Israel, but without causing casualties or material damage

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Thousands mourn in Kuwait's mass funeral after Shiite attack

terror attack on mosque in Kuwait

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Israeli air force hits target in Gaza Strip

The Israeli air force attacked a target in the northern Gaza Strip in the early hours of Wednesday after a missile fired from the Gaza Strip hit an open area near the town of Ashkelon in the western Negev.
The Israeli strike landed in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip, witnesses told Ma'an, with the Israeli army stating that the strike had targeted "the launcher from which the rocket was fired at Israel earlier."

Monday, June 22, 2015

Israeli soldiers cheered while Palestinian bled to death under army jeep

Two days after Abdallah Ghuneimat was killed by Israeli occupation forces, his hometown of Kafr Malik was still reeling.
It was not just the killing that caused an overwhelming sense of shock and anger in the village to the northeast of the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah. It was also the cruel manner in which it happened.

Recounting the few hours following Ghuneimat’s killing, Kafr Malik resident Aisha Hamayel said that “his mother was looking at his corpse from afar, saying, ‘May God help his poor mother,’ not realizing that he was her son. Is there any worse crime than putting a mother through this?”
“Is there any worse tragedy than a mother not recognizing her son because of how deformed his face was?” she added.

Israeli forces shoot Palestinian teen dead in East al-Quds

the Palestinian boy was killed in the area of al-Amud on Sunday morning.
The identity of the boy has not been revealed, yet. Reports, however, say that he was an 18-year-old boy living in the occupied West Bank.
Following the incident, the Israeli forces sealed off the Bab al-Amud, or Damascus Gate, which is one of the main entrances to the Old City in East al-Quds.
The Israeli soldiers involved in the deadly shooting claimed that the Palestinian boy had stabbed and wounded an Israeli policeman at the gate.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Al Saud is sponsor of war and terrorism around the globe

Now, it is more than 50 days that with Saudi officials’ decree the defenseless people of Yemen are under bombs and missiles and arew experiencing a real bloodshed.
It is now weeks and months that Saudi youth are being arrested by security forces of Saudi regime in different areas and their fate is still unknown.
On the other hand, the Saudi royal family that is among the main sponsors and supporters of terrorism in the world now is spending all the assets of the country for its secret holidays with Americans and Zionists and also for killing and murdering people. Salman, the Saudi king, is now spending millions and millions to introduce his own son as the Saudis’ next king.
International organizations and human rights watch are all silent and are just watching a human disaster taking place in Yemen.
The fake supporters of Islam are spreading their flames of anger and haterd on defenseless Yemeni women and children. For their commitment to Zionists and American officials, Saudis even attack civilian areas like hospitals with missiles and boms.
Saudi’s support of war and terrorism will soon backfire. Explosions in previous days in different areas of Saudi Arabia suggest the onset of terror groups’ activities in Saudi soil. The terrorists who are grown up and raised by Al Saud’s money are now going to continue their crimes and brutality within the Saudi soil.
We warn the Saudi people that being silent in front of the Saudi family of oppression and brutality is the biggest possible mistake. They, along with American and Zionist officials, are the cause of spreading corruption and brutality in the world. One must stand against them and does not allow them to continue their path of brutality and crime.   
We want all Yemeni people to break thier silence and make their voice of protest and truth-seeking reach the world. As always, We also along with all the people and freedom-seekers throughout the world, stand against these brutal oppressors. 
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Saudi Government Hacked by Yemeni Hacking Group

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The descendant voice of people against police and U.S government in many cities

The U.S people will not get silent in front of police brutal behavior

Baltimore is now the stage of police brutality in America

Monday, May 4, 2015

وقفة تضامنية مع عائلة المظلوم (عبد الله الرمضان) للمطالبة بتسليم جثمانه

من المقرر ان يقوم عدد من شباب العوامية يوم الاثنين 4 مايو 2015 ، بوقفة تضامنية مع عائلة الشاب المظلوم (عبد الله الرمضان) ، وذلك للضغط على سلطات الكيان السعودي بتسليم جثمانه دون شروط ومحاكمة من قتله .

وقد تم تحديد مكان الوقفة بالقرب من مستوصف العوامية وفي الساعة 8:30 مساءً ، واشترط المتضامنون بالغاء الوقفة في حال استلام الجثمان من السلطات .

وقد دعت للوقفة مجموعة (نمور الحرية) .

والجدير بالذكر بان الشاب الشهيد قد قتل على يد قوات أمن الكيان السعودي يوم الأربعاء 22 ابريل 2015 ، عندما قاموا بفتح نيران أسلحتهم باتجاه تجمع شبابي كان يمارس هواية “التفحيط”، كما جرح عدد آخر من الجمهور المتابعين.

ولا زالت السلطات السعودية ترفض تسليم جثمانه الذي يرقد في ثلاجة الموتى بمستشفى القطيف المركزي الى عائلته رغم مرور أكثر من عشرة أيام على استشهاده ، حيث اشترطت على والده ان يقر بتسجبل الجريمة ضد مجهول.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

ISIS Used Chemical Weapons in Suicide Attack

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

ISIL terrorists execute 30 civilians in northwest Syria

The Takfiri ISIL terrorist group has executed at least 30 civilians in an attack on a village in northwestern Syria, a monitoring group says.

Rami Abdel Rahman, the director of the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said on Tuesday that ISIL terrorists “executed at least 30 people, including women and children, by burning, beheading, and firing on them” in the village of Mabujeh in Hama Province.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Anonymous Message to Barack Obama: Do You See What We See?

Anonymous has issued the final warning. 
We are coming, we are legion.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Protesters in several countries censure Saudi invasion of Yemen

On Friday, tens of thousands of protesters held a massive rally outside the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in al-Quds (Jerusalem) following the Friday prayers.
Meanwhile, some other protests were also held on Friday in the Bahraini village of Duraz and other regions to condemn the Saudi aggression.
Large crowds of people in several countries have taken part in a series of protest rallies to condemn the Saudi invasion of Yemen.
The angry Palestinian demonstrators chanted slogans against the Saudi intervention in Yemen.
Sunday, March 15, 2015

نقض حق الإنسان في السعودیة

إنما السعودیون یخالفون علی إقامة تصریحات مارگوت والستروم و هو ضیف فخري في ملتقی جامعة العرب في قاهرة؛ لأجل توکید سوید علی ظروف الدیموقراطیة و حقوق الإنسان في السعودیة.

توکید الملک السعودي لإستمرار السیاسات الماضیة

قام الملک السعودي ، ملک سلمان بتصریحات بین حشود من السلطات و الهویات البارزة و قال بأنّ الریاض یلتزم نفسه لإستمرار السیاسات و القدرات الماضیة.
أفاد سلمان في هذا المجلس لسلطات الإقتصادیة و المستثمرین بأنه تخفیض سعر البترول أثّر علی مقدار دخل السعودیة تأثیرا فادحا.
و أعلن بأنّه في صدد لتشدید وسعة القوات الأمن و العسکریة.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

People protesting in America for the murder of a young black man

A large number of people came into streets in Madison to protest against the murder of a young unarmed black man by a white policeman.

The Madison’s police officer in Wisconsin state shot and killed a 19-year-old black man called Tony Robinson on Friday night. Madison Police Chief Mike Koval confirmed that the black man was unarmed.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

University of Chicago Computers Hacked, Social Security Numbers Stolen

The university of Chicago was under a massive cyber attack where unknown hackers breached into the computer networks stealing person details of staff and students.
According to reports the duration and exact date of breach has not been disclosed, but a letter from the university officials shows they learned about the breach on January 22, 2015.

The stolen database contained social security numbers, names, marital status, usernames, gender and employee identification numbers. 
Initial investigation revealed the data belonged to students from the Department of Medicine, contracted, former and current employees. 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

العاصفة العالمیة ضد تدخل السعودي و أمریکا في یمن

إنما اليمنيين لأجل دعم الثورة والمعارضة إلى تدخل المملكة العربية السعودية و أمريكا في اليمن قاموا علی إحتجاجات واسعة النطاق.
في مدینة رازح زهاء الحدود الجنوبية للمملكة العربية السعودية يرددون هتاف "الحرية، الحرية، لماذا التدخل السعودية" ورفضوا أي تدخل في الشؤون الداخلية لليمن من قبل السعودية.
أيضا يوم الجمعة، الآلاف من الناس في مدينة "صعدة" في شمال اليمن، بدأوا بالاحتجاجات ضد النظام السعودي .
في أجزاء أخرى من البلاد شاهدنا إحتجاجات ضد تدخل النظام السعودي.

ضرب الطالب الأمريكي

إنمّا الشرطة ماساتشوستس قامت  علی ضرب طالب أمريكي "توماس دونوفان" بزعم أخذ التصویر. إنّ قوات الأمن لاحقته وهاجموا عليه برذاذ الفلفل حینما قام هذا الشاب علی أخذ التصویر من عمل الشرطة الأمريكي عند ضرب الشرطة شخص آخر. وقد ضرب الشرطة دونوفان وسحقت من هاتفه المحمول.
Saturday, February 21, 2015

OpSaudi: Hackers Shutdown Saudi Bank Website

On Wednesday 17th Feb, 2015, a group of hacktivists calling themselves “The oppressed defenders” conducted a cyber attack on Saudi Arabian based bank AlJazira in shape of a Distributed denial of service attack (DD0S).

As a result the online banking and e-service domains of bank AlJazira were forced to go offline for more than thirty minutes.

One of the hacker told HackRead the reason behind targeting this bank was human rights violations within the Kingdom.
Hacker claimed they had warned the new Saudi king Salman bin Abdulaziz to stop violating human rights in the country or prepare yourself for never ending cyber attacks.

In past few weeks the same group had attacked Saudi financial institutions such as Samba, Alahli and Riyad bank.
    “Those attacks on Samba, Alahli, Riyad bank were just small warnings to the Saudi regime and it’s king and if they don’t pay attention to the demands made by people, there will be attacks with more strength than before. These attacks are warnings to make Saudi regime change its behavior with the people and stops its wrong policies,” the hacker added.

Below are screenshots showing the bank’s site were down:

Identity of hackers remain unknown, but in an email HackRead was told there will be new and more powerful cyber attacks on Saudi financial institutions to put an end to violations of human rights in the Kingdom.

At the time of publishing this article, the Bank AlJazira was restored and available online.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Another atrocity by ISIS

The terror anti-Islam group ISIS in an inhuman brutal move burned alive the Jordanian pilot who was captured the month before.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

الغارة الجویة الإسرائیلیة في الجولان

إستهدف الکیان الصهیوني مواقع الجیش السوری في مرتفعات الجولان بالغارات الجویة
بعد إستهداف المرتفعات الجولان من قبل مدفعیة القوات الصهیوني؛هجمت المقاتلة الصهیونیة في ثلاث مرات لیلا علی مواقع للجيش السوري.
أعلن تل أبیب أنّه هذه الهجمات هی ردا للهجوم الصاروخي علی مرتفعات الجولان في الأراضی المحتلة  

Israelis’ air assault to Golan

Israel again targeted Syrian Army positions in Golan Heights by air assaults.
Some hours after Syrian Golan came under artillery fire, Israeli fighter jets attacked Syrian Army positions three times at night.
Tel Aviv announced these moves as retaliatory attacks made in response to some missile attacks made to Golan Heights in occupied territories.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Facebook, Instagram go down globally

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Suspicious Israeli movements

Israelis forces have started some unusual movements in their positions near liberated areas and along occupied Shebbaa farms.
Also, the Zionist regime has increased the number of surveillance flights over Shebbaa farms and occupied Golan Heights.
One military Israeli helicopter fired two missiles at “Mazraat al Amal” in Quneitra 60 km south Damascus on Sunday. These missiles hit a number of Hezbollah mujahids . 
Reports reveals that Syrian Army captured a big number of weapons from terrorists which are made by Israeli companies.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

الضرب الوحشي علی مواطن فی المحافظة حائل، في شمال غرب المملكة العربية السعودية على يد قوات الأمن السعودية

Friday, January 16, 2015

Painful beheading of innocent woman in Saudi Arabia

Saudi’s court sentenced the women to painful beheading for allegedly killing her daughter. But the woman rejected the allegations and announced that she did not commit the crime.
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Another insult from Charlie hebdo to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Charlie Hebdo magazine again insulted the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in its latest release. Their action is regarded as a complimentary to the actions of the enemies of Islam like ISIS in insulting and damaging Islam. By publishing their new cartoon, they demonstrated their support for terrorism, extremism and extremists.
The support coming from the American and British officials for this magazine demonstrates their support for anti-Islamic actions and terror groups.
We again strongly condemn the Charlie Hebdo’s insult to the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) and we declare that there can be no justification for this big, painful disaster.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Boko Haram terrorists killed 2000 individuals

Boko Haram terrorists burned villages in North Nigeria and killed nearly 2000 individuals. They attacked villages using motorbikes and killed a great number of residents. Before they leave the area, they burned everywhere.
Local individuals say: the environment is not safe enough so that we can enter it.
Amnesty International says in its report: "the attack to Baga village and the surrounding area was the dealliest attack ever made by Boko Hram."

The puzzle of the attack to Charlie Hebdo magazine's office

With regard to this attack, what's really happening behind the scenes?

Insulting Islam is still going on by its enemies

With which purposes and by who the crimes and terror activities in France took place?  
What purposes does the French government and Charlie Hebdo magazine follow in mocking Islam and publishing anti-Islam caricatures?
France's activities in this magazine is nothing but destroying the real image of Islam and Muslims. In their plots they connect terror groups to Islam so that they can harm and damage the real image of Islam. Their purpose is to create a fear of Islam among the people.

We strongly condemn both the criminal activities made in Charlie Hebdo magazine and the magazine's anti-Islam activities.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The police brutal attack on the Bahraini people

While Bahraini people continue their peaceful protests, the Bahraini police injured tens of protesters by attacking them.
The brutal agents of Al Khalifa violently attacked the peaceful protesters in the "Al Balad Al Ghadim" area in Manama which is the main center of the protests to the arrest of Shaikh Ali Salman Chairman of Board for Al Wefaq National Islamic Society
As the brutal agents of Al Khalifa attacked people, they injured tens of people by rubber bullets.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Bahrain has turned into a scene for protesters seeking freedom

People protested on Friday in different areas of Bahrain in response to the arrest of Sheikh Ali Salman, head of al-Wefaq Shia bloc.  
The agents of Al Khalifa regime using force and poisonous gas dispersed protesters. The interior ministry of Bahrain warned protesters not to rally on Al-Badi street on Friday.

Malik Abdullah is in serious deteriorating health condition

Malik Abdullah was hospitalized in Riyadh for medical examinations on Wednesday.
Signs of tiredness are obvious in Malik Abdullah, the Saudi Kingdom, and his health condition is in bad, deteriorating state reportedly.
In Saudi Arabia a widespread security alert has been issued details of which are not yet exactly published.

Saudi Isis Mufti is killed

This Saudi terrorist named "Osman Al Nazeh" was killed in an air strike in Ayn Al-Arab city. He joined ISIS two years ago and meanwhile hold key positions in the group.
Before joining ISIS, Al Nazeh had responsibilities in the terror group Ahrar Al-Sham.
This Saudi terrorist whose nickname was "abu al-bara," was the top official in education office of ISIS.

The terror group Boko Haram abducted 40 more individuals

The terror group Boko Haram abducted 40 individuals in Borno state north east Nigeria.
More than 200 girls kidnapped by Boko Haram from their dormitory in mid-April are still in their custody.