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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pyongyang launches three short-range missiles – South

South Korea’s Ministry of Defense has detected three launches of short-range guided missiles by North Korea, it said.
Two launches were fired on Saturday morning and another one in the afternoon, reports Yonhap news agency.
The missiles were fired from the east coast into the Sea of Japan, the report says.
They were likely shore-based anti-ship missiles, South Korean media believe.
Japan confirmed the report of the launches, saying its military had detected them too.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Anonymous and Anonghost started #OpPetrol with the leak of Saudi Arabia Govt. Email Login credentials

After #OpUSA in which Hackers hacked, defaced many websites, leaked emails and data of govt. websites and financial institutions of USA, we also collected a plethora of hacked stuff under #OpUSA and we also got many fake hacks, defacement from various hackers over the world but after their #OpUSA hackers started #OpPetrol.

In the start of #OpPetrol hackers claim to hack 16 Gov Emails login credentials of Saudi Arabia Government, according to hackers this latest operation will target 12 Countries.
Hackers inform about their latest hack for #OpPetrol through a pastebin link, we checked that link and there are 16 Govt. Email usernames and passwords in plain text.

Hackers officially issued 20 June 2013 for their #OpPetrol but a welcome attack they give to Saudi Arabia.

Hackers going to Target 12 Countries:
  1. *USA
  2. *CANADA
  4. *ISRAEL
  5. *ARABIA SAUDIA (Only Gov)
  6. *CHINA
  7. *ITALY
  8. *FRANCE
  9. *RUSSIA
  10. *GERMANY
  11. *KUWAIT(Only Gov)
  12. *QATAR (Only Gov)

Hackers also said why this #OpPetrol?
Because Petrol is sold with the dollar ($) and Saudi Arabia has betrayed Muslims with their cooperation. So why isn't Petrol sold with the currency of the country which exports it?

Official Video for #OpPetrol

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The hands that must be cut off !

No #Israel - No #Zionism

Syrian Electronic Army Claims to Have Hacked Israeli Critical Infrastructure Systems (Updated)

Update. The Syrian Electronic Army says it has nothing to do with the emails. Read the initial story below.
The Syrian Electronic Army is best known for hijacking the social media accounts and websites of news organizations they accuse of spreading false news about the situation in Syria. However, now they claim to have done much more than just hack Twitter accounts.
In an email sent to Softpedia, the hackers claim to have penetrated one of Israel’s main critical infrastructure systems.

“We would like to announce that in response to the unfair and illegal attacks, taken place by Israel on DATE, SEA has penetrated one of the main infrastructural systems (SCADA) in Haifa and managed to gain access to some sensitive data. Also SEA is now able to cause irrecoverable damages to the Israeli's infrastructural systems,” the hackers said.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Meet the true terrorists...

#USA #Israel #KSA #UK #Bahrain

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The #OpUsa Has Gotten a Nightmare for the U.S. Banks

In the day which Operation Ababil has been stopped and it would seem that the U.S. Banks could do their diary affairs, the #OpUsa has gotten a nightmare for these banks by targeting them!
The names of the banks which has targeted of attacks are as following:


1. https://www.penfed.org/
2. https://www.bankofamerica.com/
3. https://www.chase.com/
4. https://www.wellsfargo.com/
5. https://online.citibank.com
6. https://www.pnc.com/
7. http://www.us.hsbc.com/
8. http://www.bnymellon.com/
9. https://www.usbank.com
10. https://www.suntrust.com/
11. http://www.statestreet.com/
12. https://www.capitalone.com/
13. http://www.bbt.com/
14. http://www.tdbank.com/
15. http://www.rbs.com/
16. http://www.regionsbank.com/  ( down atm )
17. https://www.53.com
18. https://home.capitalone360.com/
19. https://www.key.com
20. http://www.ntrs.com/

The Chairman of Qatar Intelligence Agency Killed In Somali

 The Addiyar newspaper has reported that the chairman of Qatar intelligence Agency, who was injured badly, finally has been killed.
He had been responsible that by cooperating the U.S. forces and by giving the learning to one of the terrorists group in Somali, sending them to Syria.
In an explosion which happened 2 days ago in Mogadishu capital of Somali, at least 8 other Qatari officials had been killed.
The incident had happened due to an explosion in a car near the police station.

#OpUSA: 1062 Websites Hacked by Charaf Anons from Algeria

Famous hacker from Algeria going with the handle of Charaf Anons has hacked and defaced 1062 websites from all over the world for Opersation USA (#OpUSA).
Hacker left a deface page along with a simple message on all hacked websites, displaying Islamic prayer on the index page of targeted websites.
“Hacked by Charaf Anons, There is no god but one God and Prophet Muhammad is the final messenger of God. Jihad is coming.”

Monday, May 6, 2013

Stopping the Operation Ababil Because Of Its Simultaneous With That of #OPUSA

The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam’s cyber fighters group has announced in a surprising action in its statement for this week that the cyber attacks to the U.S. banks this week will be stopped due its simultaneous with that of #OPUSA.
Although this group hasn’t mention accurately its role in #OPUSA, but this news definitely will make the capitalists and banks’ customers very happy.
You can see the mentioned statement as following:

Operation Ababil pauses this week, may 7th-9th

As was specified in the previous statements, al-Qassam Cyber Fighters's purpose of DDoS attacks to American banks is to convey the voice of objection of Muslims towards religious and Islamic sacrilege, to the politicians, statesmen and people of America and the world.
Our will is to remove the links which entails illegitimate attributions to prophet of Islam(pbuh) from the Internet.
Whilst respecting nations, we ask all to preserve the limits of religious sanctities and divine religions.
Due to the simultaneity of OpUSA with Operation Ababil, and to abstain from ambiguity in the intentions of our operation, this week we will not run any attack and so Operation Ababil will be paused during May 7-9th.

Mrt. Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Cyber Fighters

الاطلاع العاجل

الصورة التالية هي لشخصين من الذين أهانوا و نبشوا قبر صحابي رسول الله (ص) حجر بن عدي رضي الله عنه.
و لاحقاً تم إرسال أحد هذين الشخصين إلى جهنم بسواعد الشعب السوري.
برجى من كل شخص يملك أي معلومات عن الشخص الثاني مراسلتنا و إرسالها على البريد الإلكتروني لحلف الفضول (
hilfolfozoul@gmail.com )، حتى يقع هو الآخر في شر أعماله و يلقى عقوبته.

A puppet like Obama

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Images of toppled Israeli jet fighter

Syrian army released images of toppled Israeli warplane.
An Israeli warplane toppled by Syrian defense system after that plane strike in Syria by the last night.
Pilots of plane were arrested by the Syrian army , Damnews reports. Meanwhile Israeli warplanes violated Lebanon airspace by different times.

Israeli airstrikes hit Damascus military site, city's airport - reports

Strong blasts hit the outskirts of Syria’s capital early on Sunday, with reports saying that they were results of Israeli airstrikes on a military research center and Damascus Airport. Israel is thought to have carried out a similar attack days ago.
Syrian TV accused Israel of the attack and of being in alignment with rebel forces.
"The new Israeli attack is an attempt to raise the morale of the terrorist groups which have been reeling from strikes by our noble army," the report said.
The notion was backed by Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad, who said the attack proved that there is an alliance between Israel and Islamists trying to topple the Syrian government. In an interview with CNN he said the airstrikes are a "declaration of war" by Israel and that Syria would retaliate in its own time and way.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

#OpIsrael: 63 Israeli Websites Hacked by Sir Abdou

A hacker going with the handle of ‘Sir Abdou’ has hacked and defaced 63 Israeli websites for Operation Israel #OpIsrael.
Hacker who contacted me on Twitter told that hacks were done between 26th April to 1st May 2013 where all sites were left with deface page along with a message in support of Palestine and against the Zionist state of Israel.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Union Bank Has Defeated Against the Cyber Attacks

The Union Bank today has targeted as the next target of Qassam group and it leads to the heavy impacts and subsequently the bank has gotten out of reach completely and the bank itself hasn’t been able to offer any type of services to the customers.
The Qassam group according to its prior vow will continue its cyber attacks against the U.S. banks and financial institutions till to complete removing of the insulting film from the internet.

You support capitalism ?

Developers.facebook.com Hacked via Text Load Injection by Mauritania Attacker of AnonGhost

The famous Mauritania Attacker of AnonGhost team has claimed to hack the official domain of Facebook Developers (developers.facebook.com).
Mauritania Attacker contacted me via email explained that he found a Text Load Injection vulnerability on the official Facebook Developers domain, which allows anyone to injected text from ixData that is an indexable data type.
The hacker provided me the link where he injected the data, which at that time was displaying the following message:

The targeted link is: https://developers.facebook.com/MAURITANIA%20ATTACKER%20WAS%20HERE&__a=
Zone-h Mirror of the hack is available here: http://zone-h.org/mirror/id/19711340
Readers will be updated on this vulnerability accordingly.

Source : http://hackread.com

The Schwab Bank and BBVA have targeted By Cyber Attacks

An hour ago, the Schwab and BBVA have gotten out of reach due to Izz ad-Din al-Qassam's cyber attack. This attacks had started due to protest to the publishing of an insulting film and according to what this hacker group has mentioned, will be continued till to removing of this film.
The inaccessibility of the banks due to cyber attacks has made so many problems including the dissatisfaction of the customers. 

Removing the Israel from the world

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Key Bank and BBVA Compass have targeted of cyber attacks

The Qassam group today has caused that the Key Bank and BBVA Compass to be out of reach for hours.
The banks have been so week against these attacks and consequently have gotten out of reach today for frequent hours from the hands of the customers and of course haven’t been able to offer any type of online services to their customers.
The Qassam group’s attacks to the U.S. banks and financial institutions have been made due to protests to making and publishing an insulting film called “Innocence of Muslims” in the internet and according to what this group has mentioned till to removing of the insulting film from the internet, the attacks will be continued.

Syrian Electronic Army hackers Hijack 11 Twitter accounts of Guardian Newspaper

 Hackers from Syrian Electronic Army known for their hardcore support to Syrian President Bashar Ul Assad have hacked 11 official Twitter accounts of British owned Guardian Newspaper.
On their official website, the hackers uploaded the details of hack which shows that 11 Twitter accounts of Guardian Newspaper were hacked by the hackers for alleged lies of the paper about Syria.
“This came after this newspaper preying sometimes lies and slander about Syria”says the official SEA website.
Nine tweets were broadcast in an hour, including some with anti-Israeli sentiments, and others saying “Long Live Syria” and “Syrian Electronic Army Was Here”.
A tweet from Guardian Business read: “Follow the Syrian Electronic Army…Follow the truth! @Official_SEA12 #SEA #Syria.”
List of all 11 hacked Twitter can be found below: