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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

ISIL terrorists execute 30 civilians in northwest Syria

The Takfiri ISIL terrorist group has executed at least 30 civilians in an attack on a village in northwestern Syria, a monitoring group says.

Rami Abdel Rahman, the director of the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said on Tuesday that ISIL terrorists “executed at least 30 people, including women and children, by burning, beheading, and firing on them” in the village of Mabujeh in Hama Province.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Anonymous Message to Barack Obama: Do You See What We See?

Anonymous has issued the final warning. 
We are coming, we are legion.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Protesters in several countries censure Saudi invasion of Yemen

On Friday, tens of thousands of protesters held a massive rally outside the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in al-Quds (Jerusalem) following the Friday prayers.
Meanwhile, some other protests were also held on Friday in the Bahraini village of Duraz and other regions to condemn the Saudi aggression.
Large crowds of people in several countries have taken part in a series of protest rallies to condemn the Saudi invasion of Yemen.
The angry Palestinian demonstrators chanted slogans against the Saudi intervention in Yemen.
Sunday, March 15, 2015

نقض حق الإنسان في السعودیة

إنما السعودیون یخالفون علی إقامة تصریحات مارگوت والستروم و هو ضیف فخري في ملتقی جامعة العرب في قاهرة؛ لأجل توکید سوید علی ظروف الدیموقراطیة و حقوق الإنسان في السعودیة.

توکید الملک السعودي لإستمرار السیاسات الماضیة

قام الملک السعودي ، ملک سلمان بتصریحات بین حشود من السلطات و الهویات البارزة و قال بأنّ الریاض یلتزم نفسه لإستمرار السیاسات و القدرات الماضیة.
أفاد سلمان في هذا المجلس لسلطات الإقتصادیة و المستثمرین بأنه تخفیض سعر البترول أثّر علی مقدار دخل السعودیة تأثیرا فادحا.
و أعلن بأنّه في صدد لتشدید وسعة القوات الأمن و العسکریة.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

People protesting in America for the murder of a young black man

A large number of people came into streets in Madison to protest against the murder of a young unarmed black man by a white policeman.

The Madison’s police officer in Wisconsin state shot and killed a 19-year-old black man called Tony Robinson on Friday night. Madison Police Chief Mike Koval confirmed that the black man was unarmed.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

University of Chicago Computers Hacked, Social Security Numbers Stolen

The university of Chicago was under a massive cyber attack where unknown hackers breached into the computer networks stealing person details of staff and students.
According to reports the duration and exact date of breach has not been disclosed, but a letter from the university officials shows they learned about the breach on January 22, 2015.

The stolen database contained social security numbers, names, marital status, usernames, gender and employee identification numbers. 
Initial investigation revealed the data belonged to students from the Department of Medicine, contracted, former and current employees.