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Saturday, June 28, 2014

إستمرت المجذرة في العراق


جرائم إرهابيين في انتي بالاكا

إن إرهابيين انتي بالاكا قتلوا كثير من المسلمين المظلومين في منطقة الإفريقة المركزية مذبحة قاسية. إزدادت الجرائم علي المسلمين شيء فشيء . قام هولاء الإرهابيون علي هذه الجرائم ضد الوري و المسلمين المظلومين بالنور الأخضر من الحكومة الزاعم أي الفرنسية. جدير بالذكر بأن هذه الجرائم لا يتقبلها و لا يحتملها أي أحد من المتحررين.
فنقيم علي إنذار للدول و البلاد المدافعة للإرهاب بأن نتيجة هذه علي عاتقهم.

Crimes of Anti Balaka terrorist group

Anti Balaka terrorist group have killed numbers of oppressed Muslims in the Central African savagely. Measures against Muslims is growing every day. The Human rights claim French government give green light to The terrorists for  violence against innocent Muslims.
These actions will not be tolerated and acceptable for any democratic
We warn the government and supporters countries of terrorists that will be responsible for  consequences of  their crimes.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

التندید بجرائم (بوکو حرام) الارهابیة

 نقلت الانباء ان منظمة (بوکو حرام) التابعة للقاعدة في نیجیریة تقوم باختطاف الاولاد والبنات في نیجیریة حیث قامت مؤخراً باختطاف حوالي (200) بنت وولد من طلاب المدارس في هذه المنطقة ولا یعلم احد مصیرهم حتی الان وتقوم هذه المنظمة الارهابیة بهذه الجرائم تحت سمع وبصر العالم وعلی مرأی ومسمع منظمات الدفاع عن حقوق الانسان وایضاً تحت مظلة الحمایة الامریکیة والاسرائیلیة . ونحن اذ ندین بشدة هذه الممارسات والجرائم الارهابیة لبوکو حرام وأخواتها نحذر من ان هذه الممارسات الدنیئة ستلحق بها نکسة قویة وقریبة .

Condemnation of crimes of Boko Haram terrorist group

Quoting witnesses and officials in the area, the reports said that 60 girls and women, and possibly more than 30 boys, had been seized in the village of Kummabza, about 100 miles from Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State.
Crimes of  this terrorists is in the shadow of the silent of claimant  human rights and supported by US and Israel.
We condemn this crimes of  Boko Haram terrorist group and Warn them that continue these activities will bring great losses.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Use of children by ISIL terrorists for their crimes

Israel launches strikes on targets in Syria

Yesterday Israeli warplanes targeted areas of Syria. Golan district were targeted in this attack.
Conflict continues in Golan.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Suspicious movements of Israel

According to reports ,suspicious movements  is happening in Gaza border by Israel. Vehicles, tanks and Israeli reconnaissance aircraft have a large presence in the this area.
Today,Israeli fighters attacked on different regions several times and   number of young Palestinians were injured and martyred for these attacks and clashes.

ISIS is protege of US

Saturday, June 21, 2014

التندید بجرائم منظمة (داعش) اللااسلامیة

ارهابیو منظمة (داعش) اللااسلامیة المدعومة من قبل امریکا واستمراراً في جرائمهم البشعة توجهوا هذه المرة صوب الشعب العراقي المظلوم ونفذوا جرائم کبری في هذه المنطقة وقاموا بمجازر بحق الشعب العراقي ولا زالوا مستمرین بتنفیذ جرائمهم البشعة في هذه المناطق في ظل الصمت الدولي والمنظمات التي تدعي الدفاع عن حقوق الانسان .
ان (حلف الفضول) اذ یدین جرائم هذه العصابة الارهابیة یهیب بالشعب العراقي الغیور التصدي بحزم لهذه المجموعات الاجرامیة البغیضة .

Monday, June 16, 2014

Condemnation of crimes of ISIL(Da`esh)anti-Islamic Group

ISIL Anti-Islamic group supported by US, continues its crimes against defenseless people in Iraq this time and they have done great crimes in this region. Killing of innocent Iraqi people in the shadow of the silence of claimant  human rights organizations is great injustice.
Hilf-ol-Fozoul condemns the actions of  this terrorist group and wants the Iraqis to stand against these criminals.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Media Silence!

Freedom and justice seekers world are operating together in joint action against a common enemy.#OpisraelReloaded
This operation is done in protest of Israel's criminal acts, many major infrastructure disabled, but  the news media are silent in the face of  this great event and they did not have publish any news.
What is the reason?
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Israeli regime founded on terrorism

The Israeli regime has its roots in terrorism with its first leaders being members of terrorist organizations.
They (Hamas) are labeled as “terrorists”, but then let’s face it ... Israel was founded on terrorism.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Zionists are the main beneficiaries of US service members risking their lives

America’s veterans are gradually realizing how badly they have been misused by the Zionist architects of the 9/11 wars.
Since 2001, American soldiers have been risking their lives in a crusade whose main beneficiary is the Israeli regime.
Since 2003, suicide among active-duty members of the US military and veterans has soared to record levels. An estimated 22 veterans killed themselves each day in 2010, compared with 18 per day in 2007, according to the latest figures available from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

‘US firms must face penalty over cyber espionage’

Classified documents earlier released by American whistleblower Edward Snowden showed that the US National Security Agency (NSA) put considerable efforts into spying on former Chinese President Hu Jintao, the Chinese Trade Ministry, banks, and telecommunications companies.
According to the revelations, a major target of the NSA’s spying operation has been Huawei, which is the world’s second largest network equipment supplier.

Anti-Israeli hacker groups have started its activities

Israeli infrastructures has been heavy attacks now ,all the documentation is following

Sunday, June 1, 2014

1500 Palestinian detainees on hunger strike

The Palestinian minister of prisoners' affairs said on Saturday that 1,500 Palestinian prisoners would join a mass hunger strike on Sunday, as he warned of the deteriorating health conditions of more than 100 who have been on strike for over a month.
The PA officials said Israeli occupation authorities and the striking detainees have not engaged in serious dialogue so far, even as the health conditions of these detainees continue to deteriorate.

Boko Haram attack four villages in northeast Nigeria

A series of suspected Boko Haram attacks in four villages in Nigeria’s restive northeast killed several people. They  hit the villages of Nuwari, Musari, Walori on Saturday(May31) , where gunmen, some dressed as soldiers and riding in trucks, opened fire on civilians and razed much of the area, according to multiple witness accounts.
"They burnt all the villages and took away all our livestock," said Nuwari resident Bunu Kaloma. He said 15 people were killed in the spate of attacks.