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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Israel still continues to arrest Palestinians.

The Israeli regime reinforces its measures to arrest more Palestinians, the arrest policy which is pursued in recent months.
It is noticeable that among the arrested people there are many children and young people most of whom are charged with heavy sentences for actions like throwing stones on Israeli soldiers.

In their most recent offensive action, Israeli forces arrested 7 Palestinians aged from 14 to 21 in the occupied West Bank.
More than 7000 Palestinians are now in Israeli prisons and detention centers. Among these captives there are 18 women, 250 children, 1500 ill people, most of whom suffer from critical health condition. Also, among them are 540 people who are held in prison with no trial and just by administrative injunction.
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Missile attack to the biggest Libyan oil port

Al-sadr port, the biggest oil port, near the city " Sirte" in east Libya is hit by missiles.  
The attack on Al-sadr port has increased the price of oil in recent days
investigations suggest that this missile attack was carried out by Ansar Al-Sharia
In the attack launched by Ansar Al-Sharia to some parts of the city of Sirte, 19 soldiers from Libyan army in charge of securing electricity base were killed.

هجوم صاروخي على أكبر ميناء للنفط في ليبيا

ميناء "السدر" قرب مدینة "سرت" في الشرق الليبي و هی أكبر ميناء للنفط في البلاد أصيبت بصاروخ.
و هذا الهجوم یسبب الزيادة في أسعار النفط في الأيام القليلة الماضية
تشير الدراسات إلى أن هذه الهجمات نفذها أنصار الشريعة.
وقتل أنصار الشريعة في أجزاء من مدينة سرت 19 جنديا مسؤولة عن حماية محطة توليد الكهرباء.

Al Saud's atrocities still continue

Al Saud reign commits whatever crime to warrantee its existence and continue its support for Israel
Killing of five people from Al Awamiyah among whom there was a child is among the recent atrocities of this brutal regime.
Now, this regime is continuing and boosting its cooperation with America and Israel by decreasing oil prices

تستمر جرائم آل سعود
الحكومة السعودية من أجل البقاء ودعمهم لإسرائيل يجعل كل جهد ممكنا.
مقتل 5 أشخاص بينهم طفل من الناس في العوامية هي واحدة من أكثر الجرائم لهذا النظام القاسي.
الآن، لا يزال هذا النظام یستمر تعاونه مع أمريكا وإسرائيل بإرتفاع أسعار النفط على نطاق أوسع.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

إستمرت الاحتجاجات في أمريكا، مقتل مراهق أسود أخرى

عرض التقارير عن مقتل مراهق أسود أخری من قبل قوات الشرطة في أمريكا في منطقة سانت لويس.
وهذا ما حدث في محطة وقود و وقعت في نفس المنطقة التي كان مايكل براون قد قُتل على يد الشرطة في أغسطس.
جائت في الأخبار المحلية بأنه "أنطونيو مارتن" .
ووقع هذا الحادث بينما لم تهدأ موجة الغضب والحزن الأمريكية لسلوك يقوم على التمييز العنصري في أمريكا خلال أحداث الأشهر الماضية.

Monday, December 15, 2014

أخذ الرهائن من قبل المسلحين في سيدني

اقتحم مسلحون الاثنين إلی مقهى «لیندت» (Lindt) في المنطقة الصناعیة "مارتن بلیس" (Martin Place) في سيدني، أخذوا زهاء 30 شخصا كرهائن.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Murder of black people in front of U.S. officials

Friday, December 12, 2014

Police has chosen the following measures to suppress defenseless black people: crime, violence, and murder

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Brutal measures taken by American police against defenseless people

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Murder of black people in front of U.S. officials

Monday, December 8, 2014


Ferguson has turned into a symbol of violence and racism

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Protests are still going on in different regions

Brutal measures taken by American police against defenseless people

Ferguson has turned into a symbol of violence and racism

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

US using ISIL to ‘create fear, expand wars’

US officials are exploiting the threat posed by the ISIL terrorist group to expand the wars in the Middle East and to “create more fear” among Americans, a US anti-war activist says.

A recent warning issued by the US government about the threat of ISIL attacks on US law enforcement and military members is being used “to frighten people” in order to take away their rights, said Bruce Gagnon, the coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space organization.
“I think this is all is part of the fear campaign that is really, really quite professionally being organized by the ruling oligarchy here in the US and across the West,” Gagnon told Press TV on Monday.
The ISIL threat is “being used in this country, in my country, in the United States to create more fear to have people rely more on the police and security operations, which means give away your rights,” Gagnon asserted.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

أصبح فيرجسون مسرحا للجريمة مرة أخرى

إنّه حکم المحكمة في تبرئة " دارن ويلسون" -القاتل «براون»- قد أدّى إلى إستئناف الاحتجاجات في المدينة مرة أخرى. وصلت عدد قوات الحرس الوطني في فيرجسون من 700 إلی 2200 شخص. واشنطن، نيويورك، لوس انجليس، أتلانتا، أوكلاند، وكليفلاند وسياتل وفيلادلفيا ودنفر وشيكاغو، بما في ذلك العشرات الذی خرج المتظاهرون فيها في الشوارع. إنّه في نيويورك، المتظاهرون سدّوا النفق "لينكولن" ثم تجمعوا  في ساحة "تايمز". بینما إزداد عدد المتظاهرين في نيويورك، استخدمت الشرطة من رذاذ الفلفل وتم القبض على عدة أشخاص.
هکذا إستمرّ التمييز العنصري في أمريكا

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ferguson reacts to grand jury decision not to indict Darren Wilson

Monday, November 24, 2014

Israeli killing of Gazan violates truce

Hamas says the killing of a Palestinian man in the northern Gaza Strip by Israeli forces constitutes “a violation of a ceasefire agreement” between the Palestinian resistance movement and Tel Aviv.  

Monday, November 17, 2014

Israeli settlers execute Palestinian bus driver

Israeli settlers have hanged a Palestinian man in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) in another incident of brutality against Palestinians in the occupied territories, local sources say. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Is Israel a friend of ISIS or just a foe?

Every day different news is reported and spread about the group ISIS. News is reported about slaughtering innocent people in different cities and countries, occupying areas etc. ISIS members claim that they are Muslims but the facts on the ground show the opposite. In the past months, with financial and military supports provided by Saudis and Americans, a great number of Sunni and Shia Muslims, Christians, Izadis etc. are injured and killed by ISIS fighters. Many people have left their houses after attacks launched by ISIS. Now that several months have passed from these atrocities, America, France, Saudi Arabia, England and others have formed a coalition to destroy ISIS. In the past several weeks, air strikes are launched by coalition fighter jets. Different areas have been the target of these air strikes. 
On the other hand, people and army in Syria and Iraq have resisted against these criminals and defended their countries against ISIS fighters.
In the news received from different areas of Iraq in the past several days, it is mentioned that Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, ISIS leader, was injured in air strikes while fleeing the scene. But no one has spoken of this event and that Caliph's hiding place and the way he is being treated was unknown.
But today, one of the official accounts of ISIS has confirmed that ISIS leader was wounded and the leader now is being treated by Israeli doctors.
Therefore, there is a big question for anyone. First, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and America plus others provided support for ISIS, then they formed a coalition to attack and defeat ISIS. Now that ISIS leader is injured by the coalition's fighter jets, Israeli doctors try to treat him whole-heartedly.
What is the meaning of the Israel's actions?
For what purposes Israel is pursuing such a policy?
What is the end point of these atrocities committed by Israelis towards defenseless people?
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

الکیان الصهیوني عدو داعش أو صدیقه؟

لقد إنتشرت أخبار مختلفة حول هذا التنظیم. أنباء عن مذبحة الأبرياء في المدن والبلدان المختلفة، وإحتلال الأراضي و . . .  . هم يدعون أنهم مسلمون، ولكن الدلائل تشير خلاف ذلك. خلال هذا الوقت قتل و جرح عدد كثیر من المسلمين السنة والشيعة والمسيحيين والإیزدیة ...بالدعم المالي والعسكري من حكومات المملكة العربية السعودية والکیان الصهیوني وأمريكا من قبل هذا التنظیم. نزح الكثير من الناس في أجزاء مختلفة من هجمات داعش على منازلهم. الیوم وبعد عدة أشهر من هذه المأساة الرهيبة أصبح أمريكا، وفرنسا، والمملكة العربية السعودية وبريطانيا حلفاء لتدمير داعش. شنت طائرات التحالف ضربات جوية وإستمرت لعدة أسابيع. وضعت نقاط مختلفة هدف الصواریخ. من ناحية أخرى، یکافح الشعب في العراق وسوريا و جيشهما تقف ضد هؤلاء المجرمين لأجل حرية بلدهم.
في الأخبار تم العثور عليها خلال الأيام القليلة الماضية عن مناطق مختلفة من العراق بأنّ أبابكر البغدادي زعیم داعش جرح اثر غارات جوية و أثناء الهروب. ولكن لا یخبر أحد عن هذا الموضوع و ومكان وجوده و معالجته غير معروف.
ولكن اليوم واحد من الحسابات الرسمية أكدت هذا الخبر، وقال إن البغدادي يجري حاليا معالجته من قبل أطباء ذوی الخبرة الإسرائيلي
هناك سؤال للجميع. في البداية یدعم الکیان الصهیونی والسعودية وأمريكا، و ... عن هذا التنظیم. ، ثم بناء التحالف المشترك للهجوم ضد هذا التنظیم. الآن بعد أصابة زعیم داعش إثر هجمات طائرات التحالف قد حاول الأطباء الإسرائيليون بكل وسيلة ممكنة لعلاجه.
ما هو معنی لهذه تصرفات الکیان الصهیوني؟
ما هی أهداف الکیان الصهیوني ؟
حتام یجب علی الشعب الأعزل في أنحاء مختلفة من العالم التسامح مع الظلم الصهیوني؟
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi is wounded

In recent days and weeks, Iraqi military and voluntary people have resisted powerfully against ISIS forces and succeeded in defeating them in different areas.
The small group ISIS which in months ago managed to conquer and control over Mosul now has lost the battle in front of Iraqi forces and has abandoned different areas within Iraq.
All the signs indicate the group is created and supplied by countries such as Saudi Arabia, America, Britain etc.
In the latest news released from the group's activities and conditions, it is said that Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the ISIS leader, was wounded in air strikes against territories held by the group and that he  was in a poor health condition. There is no clear indication of where he was taken to.

إصابة زعیم تنظیم داعش أبو بکر البغدادي

إنّ القوات والشعب العراقي خلال الأيام والأسابيع الماضية، وقفت مع السلطة الكاملة ضد تنظیم داعش الإرهابيين و قتلوهم في كثير من مناطق مختلفة.
كانت تنظیم داعش قادرة على دخول مدينة الموصل في الأشهر القليلة الماضية، وجعلها تحت السيطرة، فإنّه لا یستطيع الوقوف ضد هجمات الجيش العراقي و قام علی ترک مناطق مختلفة في العراق.
وتشير كل الدلائل إلى أن هذا التنظیم الإجرامي لقد تأسست بالدعم من قبل دول مختلفة مثل المملكة العربية السعودية وأمريكا وإنجلترا.

جاء فی آخر الأخبار عن الأنشطة وشروط تنظیم داعش، بأنّ أبو بكر البغدادي زعیم تنظیم داعش في العراق أصيب بجروح في الغارات الجوية في المناطق المحتلة و ليس في حالة بدنية جيدة. لیست الأخبار المفصلة في متناول الید عن نقل أبي بكر البغدادي.
Thursday, August 28, 2014

The resistance won

O you who believe! Endure and be more patient (than your enemy), and guard your territory by stationing army units permanently at the places from where the enemy can attack you, and fear Allah, so that you may be successful. Surah 3. Al-Imran, Ayah 200

The historical triumph of Palestinian resistance against Israel has made alive desires to liberate Quds. Resistance triumph and Israelis' defeat is so hard for Israeli officials and people to bear.
During fifty days of air, ground, and naval strikes to Gaza, the most brutal crimes happened while those defending human rights and the global community just kept watching. A war that yielded 2100 martyrs, nearly 11 thousand injured and left more than 10600 buildings destroyed in Gaza. But in spite of all these brutalities, the people of Gaza did not surrender and finally imposed a ceasefire to Israelis, a ceasefire with no restrictions.
The imposition of this long-lasting ceasefire to Israelis is the advent of a move for a long-running campaign to liberate the entire Palestinian territory.
We recognize this ceasefire as a big victory not only for the Muslim community worldwide but especially a great triumph for the people in Gaza. We continue our full-fledged efforts to defeat the enemy and liberate the entire Palestinian territory.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Saudi TV website hacked by Libyan

A Libyan man hacked the website of a Saudi government-owned satellite news TV channel 'Alikhbaria' and stole all its data before knocking it off-line.
The site remained has remained off-line since Friday after it was hacked by a man only identified himself only as a Libyan.

“The hacker managed to steal a month's data and content before completely disrupting the site,” Sabq Arabic language newspaper said.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Strong Cyber-Attack on Saudi Stock Exchange

A few hours ago, an operation was carried out against Saudi Arabia's Stock Exchange by two Hacktivist groups.
According to the hackers, the attack has been performed in retaliation for Saudi Arabia's financial support for Israeli atrocities, and in protest at Saudi regime's violence towards prisoners in this country.
Following this attack carried out by Izzah Hackers , Al-asefa Al-horria , Anon Arab Ops and 04xd the website of Stock Exchange were inaccessible in some areas for users for nearly two hours.
Since the last day, Zionist regime has resumed its criminal actions and began bombing several areas of Gaza strip. Because of these air strikes some innocent women and children were killed.
We warn Saudi regime to stop its support for terrorism and to stop violating human rights, otherwise the next operations will be more sophisticated and powerful.
More Hacktivist groups have announced their readiness to take part in next attacks.
Today's Operation against Saudi Stock Exchange was only a Warning.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

نفیر للمملكة العربية السعودية

في هذه الأيام في جزء من العالم، الأطفال والأسر الذين ليسوا في لحظة من الهدوء وفي الليالي غير قادرین علی النوم السلمیة. لأنه من المحتمل أن الموت سيأتي إلیهم وربّما لا تكون فرصة أخرى للعيش.
إنّ حكام بعض الدول في منطقة الخليج الفارسي من دون دعم من الغرب والصهاينة ليس لديهم سلطة على الإطلاق. دمية الطغاة الذين ليس لديهم مكان للحفاظ على قوتها وشعبيتها بين شعوبها و تلجأ فقط إلى القوة والعنف. لن يتسامح مع أي نقد والنقاد على الفورو قاموا لاغلاق الفم بالممارسات غير العادلة.
الحكام العرب العملاء يلوثون أيديهم بدماء الأبرياء بدلا من مساعدتهم على التغلب على الظلم كل يوم يمر أكثر. وکنا نشاهد الحرب طويلة وأعمال وحشية من إرهابیین في منطقتنا لکن الحكومة السعودية والأمير الأثرياء، هم صامتون ضد هذه الجرائم فحسب بل یساعدون المجرمين سرا أو علنا.
الحكومة السعودية التي فشلت في البلاد على مكافحة الفقر والظلم و على تحويل نظام البلاد إلى النظام الديمقراطي، في الخارج أيضا تبحث عن المغامرة وتعكير السلام في المنطقة. الإبادة الجماعية والجرائم ضد الشعب الأعزل يجري في العديد من البلدان. غزة واليمن وسوريا والسعودية والعراق والبحرين کلها مشاهد الجريمة التي لا تغتفر يراقبون و كل یشاهدها.
خلال الشهر الماضي، خسر ما يقرب من 2000 شخص أبرياء حياتهم في الجريمة المروعة في غزة، و جرح ما يقرب من 9000. من أین تمويل تكلفة الحروب وسفك الدماء ؟ ما هي الدعم المالي لإسرائيل؟
من یجیب عن الأزمة الإنسانية في غزة؟
من یرید ما يحدث في مجذرة العراقيين ؟
وقد قدّم المسؤولون السعوديون في إجتماعات خاصة مساعدات زهاء میلیون لأمریکیین لتوفير تكاليف الحرب وهجماتهم. هل هذه الأعمال سوى دعم القتل والدمار في العالم ؟
السجون السعودية هي مثال آخر على الممارسات اللاإنسانية للنظام. وقد ألقي القبض على عدد كبير من الناس دون دليل ولقضايا السياسية فقط و یقیمون علی التعذيب في السجن.
على الرغم من أنّ الإفراج عن القمع الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والسياسي محدود جدا في المملكة العربية السعودية ومع ذلك المجالس الدولية والإقليمية نادرا ما تشارك بها. وأخيرا، نحتاج إلى وسيلة لوقف التعذيب وانتهاكات حقوق الإنسان الرهيبة في المملكة العربية السعودية.
 لا أحد يعرف بالضبط كم عدد من آلاف السجناء السياسيين في السجون السعودية المزدحمة لا تحصى.
 اليوم، تعتبر المملكة العربية السعودية واحدة من أكبر وأكثر الأنصار الجريمة عالمیا.
ما هي صمت السعودیة ضد جرائم في غزة؟

The warning against Saudi kingdom

These days in one corner of the world, there are many children and families who are suffering and cannot sleep at nights calmly. That’s because every moment death can come to capture their lives and leave them no moment to live.
The governors of some countries in Persian Gulf area have no political power without the approval and support of Zionists and Western powers. Puppet dictators which have no credibility among their people keep their rule going by force and violence. They bear no criticism and shut any mouth opened against them by brutal means.
The puppet-like governors of Arab world deepen their hands in the slaughter of innocent people instead of helping to remove injustice and oppression. While we observe the bloodshed in the region for so long, the Saudi kingdom and its rich princes not only have been silent towards these brutalities, but also they have helped the criminals secretly if possible and even openly. 
The Saudi kingdom which has not been successful in dealing with issues such as poverty, oppression, and injustice and also has not succeeded in turning the country into a democratic one, now has turned his eyes towards the region to wage war and bloodshed.   
Bloodshed and brutality against defenseless people is now widespread in many areas around the globe including Gaza, Yemen, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Bahrain. All these are unforgivable scenes that all of us are observing. 
In the last month nearly 2000 innocent people from Gaza have lost their lives in horrible attacks plus 9000 more injured ones all in Israeli atrocities. Who are financing these wars and brutalities? Who are financing the Israelis?
Who is going to provide an answer to the Gaza bloodshed?
Who has ordered the bloodshed in Iraq?
The Saudi kingdom donates millions of dollars to their American friend in their private meetings to finance their military operations. Aren’t these actions just the proof that Saudis are financing bloodshed in the globe?
The prisons of Saudi kingdom are just another example of anti-humanistic actions carried out by the regime. They have held a large number of people in their prisons with no reason and proof. They just imprison them by allegations of being political activists. They just torture them in their prisons.
While social, economic and political freedom is harshly limited in the Saudi kingdom, international and regional organizations rarely voice any criticism against them. Finally there should be an end to all the brutal torture and violation of human rights in Saudi Arabia.
No one knows exactly how many political prisoners are kept in numerous Saudi prisons.
Today the Saudi kingdom has proven its role as one of the biggest financiers of terrorism around the globe. The silence taken by the Saudis against the Gaza crisis is just the sign of what policies?
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

خطط صهيون لتقسيم الشرق الأوسط

کلما يلي ملخص من مقال كتبه الإسرائيليين و هو یكشف بوضوح عما ينوي إسرائيل لکسر الشرق الأوسط. أهمية وصلاحية هذه الدراسة لأجل مؤلفها. وكاتب المقال " اُدن یینون " Oden Yinon  الصحفي الإسرائيلي الذي كان مرتبطا مع وزارة الخارجية الإسرائيلية.
دراسة اُدن یینون (الصحفي الإسرائيلي الذي سبق ترتبط مع وزارة الخارجية الإسرائيلية) التی قد نشرت في مجلة کیوونیم (الجهات) مجلة خاصة لمنظمة إعلامات الصهيونية العالمية إلى الآن هی مكتوبة أدق وأكثر وضوحا من الاستراتيجية الصهيونية في الشرق الأوسط. وأشار في مقاله أن " البقاء إسرائيل على قيد الحياة على المدى الطويل من العالم سيكون مستحيلا مع الهيكل القائم و لا مفر من ثورة التغییر في هذه المناطق ". "العالم العربي المسلم باعتباره دار مؤقتة التی صنعت من بطاقات جعلتها الأجانب جنبا الی جنب بعضها." في مقاله يعترف یینون بأن الخلافات و إنعذام الأمن بين الدول الإسلامية قد خلق فرصة كبيرة لإسرائيل.

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Zionist Plan for dissolution of the Middle East

The following is an abstract taken from an Israeli article which clearly explains Israel’s ambitions for dissolution of all existing Arab states in the region. The significance and credibility of this document goes back to its author “Oded Yinon’s“, an Israeli journalist with ties to Foreign Ministry of Israel.
Oded Yinon’s article (an Israeli journalist who was formerly attached to the Foreign Ministry of Israel) published in Kivunim (Directions), the journal of the Department of Information of the World Zionist Organization is the most explicit, detailed and unambiguous statement to date of the Zionist strategy in the Middle East. In his article he points that “In the long run, this world will be unable to exist within its present framework in the areas around us without having to go through genuine revolutionary changes.” “The Moslem Arab World is built like a temporary house of cards put together by foreigners.” In the article, he calls the divisions and instabilities among Moslem countries a great chance for Israel. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

إسرائيل هي المسؤولة عن الأزمة الإنسانية في غزة

لقد مرّ ما يقرب من شهر منذ الجريمة والأزمة الإنسانية في قطاع غزة. إتخذ الحکم الصهیوني في هذه الفترة لبقائهم على قيد الحياة أي إجراء. منها إستخدام القنابل والصواريخ والطائرات المقاتلة والأسلحة الكيميائية المحرمة.
فإن الإحصاءات تثبت بأنّ عدد کثیر من الأطفال بين القتلى والجرحى في غزة. کیف یمکن بأن الأطفال الأبرياء والعزل كانوا يعتبرون تهديدا وخطرا على إسرائيل حتی ضربت قتلهم؟
إنّ الدول زاعمة لحقوق الإنسان هي صامتة ضد مأساة إنسانية واسعة النطاق ؟
إنّما إسرائیل تسفک دماء الوری في جميع أنحاء قطاع غزة؛بینما السيد جيفري فيلتمان یؤکد الأفعال الإجرامية لهذا الحکم الجائر.
ما یعتقد الأمريكية و الأردن و المملكة العربية السعودية کأنصار هذه الحکم العفر بأنها سوف ترد قريبا على هذه الجرائم؟
ونحن مدافعين عن المظلومين في العالم نقیم علی إدانة هذه الجريمة نقول لقادة الحکم الصهیوني بأنّ علیهم أن یكونوا مستجیبین لهذه الكارثة الكبرى.
والدماء التي سالت من الشعب الفلسطيني الأعزل في غزة تصبح الفيضانات قریبا، سوف تلتهمکم  .

Israel is responsible for genocide in Gaza

Nearly one month has passed from the beginning of the Israeli-made genocide in Gaza. Israeli regime has committed whatever crimes to guarantee its existence. The use of missiles and fighters along with chemical weapons and forbidden weaponry are among these crimes.
There are a high number of children killed by Israeli bombardment in Gaza. Now there is a big question: are these children threat to the Israel’s security?
Why those governments such as U.S and European ones have been silent in this conflict.
While Israelis have made Gaza a slaughter-house, Mr. Jeffry Flatman reiterates and confirms the criminal activities of the Israel’s brutal regime.
Those governments as the U.S, Saudi Arabia and Jordan are defending publicly and secretly the brutal actions of Israel and they certainly are to be held accountable for their support.
We as humans strongly support and defend the right of the oppressed and we unanimously condemn these belligerent barbaric attacks launched by the Israeli Army. We assure the Israeli officials that they are responsible for these brutalities and they must provide answers for the crimes committed by their orders.
The bloodshed made by killing of defenseless people in Gaza will turn into a flood some day and will put an end to your brutal history.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Anonymous hackers take down Mossad website against Gaza attacks

The hacktivist group Anonymous has claimed responsibility of taking down the official website of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad against Gaza attacks.
Mossad’s website was taken down in a DDoS attack early morning, claims one of the Anonymous hacker on Twitter. The attack seems to be massive as it has been over 10 hours that the site is down.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

massacre of defenseless people in Gaza

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

crimes are occurring in Gaza

Monday, July 28, 2014


Saul Cyber Army Attack Israel E-Government Infrastructure "Tehila"

Yesterday, SCA attacked Tehila heavily in support of Gazan oppressed and defenseless people and in protest against Israel's war crimes over there.
The obtained information indicate that Tehila had experienced heavy traffic for nearly 4 hours which led to disruption in many Israeli official websites.

Saul Cyber Army claim responsibility for attacks on Israeli DNS Servers

Over the past few days a Hacktivist group have been attacking on Israeli DNS servers which led to a several-hours disruption in surfing the internet. Until yesterday, a group named "Saul Cyber Army" took responsibility for the attacks through an announcement, in which they released a list of Israeli targets.

See the full text of announcement below.

operation Asf alMaakoul CyberFire

The criminal Israel has once again found the time suitable to commit another crime against the Palestinian nation and has invaded Gaza and its oppressed people from the ground, the sea and the air with firearms and prohibited and chemical weapons.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Heinous crimes are still taking place in Gaza


Silence of the international communities and human rights organizations

massacre of defenseless people in Gaza

A hacker group unexpectedly attacked Israeli DNS servers

Several obtained reports shows a heavy attack on Israeli DNS servers on 21 July. Surfing the Internet had been impossible during the time of the attacks. The network was disrupted about 2 hours and some Israeli websites became out of reach for the foreign visitors.
No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks, but it is clear that these attacks were carried out in support of the oppressed and innocent people of Gaza.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Anonymous asks Elite hackers to join them in a massive cyber attack on Israel

The online hacktivist Anonymous has a message for Israeli government in which the group has asked elite hackers from around the world to join them and conduct a massive cyber attack against the state of Israel.
A YouTube video message uploaded couple of days ago talks about Israeli air strike on Gaza and criticizes the killings of innocent children and women. 

We’ve been fighting Israel and their terrorist state for over 4 years, and we have not grown weary or tired. It has only made us stronger. Therefore, we are calling upon the anonymous collective, and the elite hacker groups to join our crusade, and to wage cyber war against the state of Israel once more. This Friday will be a day in where Israel will feel fear tingling in their servers, and homes. It will be a day of solidarity and resistance, according to the video message.

Watch the video below: 

This will not be the first time when hackers will conduct a cyber attack on Israel over ongoing conflict. Hamas already hacked Israeli channel 10 satellite communication and about a week ago several hackers targeted Israeli servers, claiming to leak highly confidential data belong to Israeli police and other government sites. The Turkish hackers also hacked official MSN Israel domain against Gaza attacks.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

AnonGhost #opSaveGaza

Be aware of the AnonGhost operation dubbed #opSaveGaza. The AnonGhost hackers have launched a new operation.

The operation #opSaveGaza is asking all hackers, human right organisations and activists all around the world to unite in the #opSaveGaza operation.
Last month the AnonGhost hackers launched the #opPetrol operation, and now they have put their aim back on defending Palestinians and Muslims and other friendly people which are in the Gaza environment.

[FULL HD] Message To Israhell and all the world #OpSaveGaza #AnonGhost

Monday, July 14, 2014

Crime in Gaza continues unabated

A large number of  Gaza children and adolescents wounded by Israeli attacks,were  transferred  to the "Alshfa" Hospital on the besieged strip. Also many children  killed during Israel's invasion of  surrounded Gaza coastline.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that they will not stop their attacks against Gaza.
Israel use carcinogen bombs in their attacks that use of them according to internationally laws is prohibited.

Anti-Israel protests held in US cities

Jewish protesters organized demonstrations against Israel in 15 cities across the United States, condemning Tel Aviv for atrocities it is committing against Palestinians. The protests organized by Jewish Voice for Peace were held Friday in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, and San Francisco, among other cities, and drew thousands demonstrators.
As demonstrators across the United States were holding protests, the US House of Representatives expressed support for Israel’s deadly strikes against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Lawmakers in the lower chamber of US Congress voted in favor of a non-binding resolution that acknowledges Tel Aviv’s right to what they call self-defense.

Haaretz has been hacked by AnonGhost #opSaveGaza

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Hackers target Israeli Govt, claim leaking login details in support of Palestine

Hackers from around the world are targeting Israeli government against the ongoing bombing over Gaza Strip, Palestine
First in row is Moxer cyber team which claims to breach Israel export & international cooperation institute (ieici), and leak 45 emails of the Institute’s employees along with their hashed passwords. 
The same team claims to breach the official website of Israel Meteorological Service and leak 22 emails and hashed passwords of service’s employees. Moxer cyber teams have also claimed breaching bank of Israel and leaking 52 emails and their hashed passwords.

Friday, July 11, 2014

American banks will be targeted by opposition of US

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

غزة تحت النار

قتل وجرح عدد کبیر من المدنیین نتیجة الغارات الجویة للطائرات الصهیونیة علی قطاع غزة .وکانت مناطق مختلفة من غزة مثل جبالیا و رفح ومخیم البریج خلال الایام القلیلة الماضیة من شهر رمضان الکریم ترزح تحت القصف الصاروخي الاسرائیلي الوحشي . العدو الاسرائیلي الظالم یختلق الحجج الواهیة لکي یقصف ویصب نار حقده الدفین علی رؤوس الناس في الاراضي المحتلة وغزة الصمود والعزة .وهذه المرة اسرائیل لدیها حجة اختطاف ثلاثة اسرائیلییین من المستوطنات في الاراضي المحتلة لتقتل وتجرح وتختطف العدید من افراد الشعب الفلسطیني المظلوم ومنظمات حقوق الانسان في العالم الحر والدیموقراطي أخرس وأطرش وأعمی أیضاً ولا یعلم أبداً ماذا یجري في فلسطین لأن وسائل الاعلام العالمیة لا تنشر شیئاً من جرائم اسرائیل البشعة التي تمنع نشر مثل هذه الاخبار لان الصهاینة هم اصحاب وسائل الاعلام العالمیة هذه .

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

رسالة أننيموس حول الأوضاع في فلسطين

السلام عليكم. نحن أننيموس العرب. بكل أسف نتابع مايجري فهده الأيام على الأراضي الفلسطينية من عدوان. وقصف. وقتل. وخطف لشعبنا الفلسطيني في هده الأيام المباركة. مع سكوت تام لكل الدول المسلمة العربية. والأجنبية. وهدا ليس جديداً عنا. لكننا لن نقف مكتوفي الأيدي ولا المقاومة العسكرية كدلك. سوف نرد بطرقتنا وفي الوقت المناسب سوف نقوم بعمليات ضد الكيان الكرتوني المزيف. عملياتنا سوف تكون متزامنة مع تحرك المقاومة العسكرية. كي تكون الضربة منسقة وقوية. رسالتنا إلى شباب فلسطين. انكم رمز الحريات والالمقاومة لقد علمتم درسا للعالم أجمع معنى المقاومة الحقيقية انكم أسود فلسطين لن ولن نحني الرأس عاشت فلسطين حرة بشبابها وبمقاومتها. رسالتنا للكيان الصهيوني المحتل. كما وعدناكم سابقاً بهجمات إلكترونيات ولقد نفدنا وعدنا وكل العالم إعترف بسقوطكم امامنا. رسالة قصيرة لكم. سوف نضرب في عمق أجهزتكم. ومواقعكم. مرة أخرى إدا تفدايتم في العنف مع شعبنا الجليل فقط ترقبو هجماتنا في أي لحضة. مع أول تحرك فعلي وجدري للمقاومة. لأناً سوف نكون الجناح الإلكتروني لهم. وسوف نمدهم بكل المساعدة الازمة والمعلومات التي سوف نسحبها من أجهزتكم.
ومواقعكم .نحن لا نخشى الحرب. ولا نخشى الموت. تعهدنا. على حماية أرض فلسطين لأخر قطرة دم ... نحن مجهولو العرب. نحن المقاومة الإلكترونية. حامي حماة أرض العزة .أرض فلسطين الأبيه

Anonymous Message to Palestine

Sadly, we are following what's happening in the Palestinian territories and all we see is aggression, bombing, killing and kidnapping of the Palestinian people. We also see complete silence from other Arab and foreign countries. Although this is nothing new to us, we refuse to stand by idly. Our response to these heinous crimes against humanity will be revealed shortly. Our operation will be synchronized with the movement of military resistance--in order to deliver a coordinated and powerful blow. Our message to the youth of Palestine: YOU are a symbol of freedom, resistance and hope. Never give up, never give in, NEVER! We are with you and will continue to defend you. Our message to the Zionist entities: As promised in previous attacks, we will continue to electronically attack, until the people of Palestine are free! As shown in previous attacks, we will continue to invade and attack your devices, websites and personal data.Sleep with one eye open as our attacks will come upon you like a thief in the night. All information gathered will be used in the aid of the resistance.

Gaza under Fire

Israeli warplanes attacked to several areas in Gaza and killing and wounding a number of people. Jibalya, Rafah  and Albirij camp has been under fire  of Israeli missiles  the past few days.
Israel for no reason  opens flames to the people. This time Israel kills and injures tens of oppressed  people of Gaza  for excuses of disapearance of three people of Israel and steal many of people.

US Air Force site another target of Tunisian hackers

Tunisian hackers  team in continuation of operation  #TheWeekOfHorror attaked to US Air Force website that as a result, this website became inaccessible.

کارتون (عائشة ومحمد) اهانة جدیدة للنبي الاکرم(ص)

قام النشطاء المعادون للاسلام في اوروبا مرة اخری وبکل وقاحة باعداد ونشر رسوم متحرکة مهینة للنبي الأکرم(ص).
هذه الرسوم المتحرکة والتي تسمی (عائشة ومحمد) هي من اخراج (عمران فراست) الهندي الذي لجأ مؤخراً الی اسبانیا .

  و قام المسلمون في مختلف المناطق بالاحتجاج بشدة ضد هذا العمل الشنیع . وقد أعلن هذا المخرج التافه المعادي للاسلام نیته في ترجمة ونشر هذه الرسوم المتحرکة بلغات اخری .واننا اذ ندین هذا الفعل الشنیع والمرفوض ندعو جمیع المسلمین في جمیع أنحاء العالم الی الاعراب عن رفضهم واستنکارهم لهذا العمل الاجرامي الجبان ونحذر منتجي ومخرجي هذه الافلام السخیفة والتافهة من مغبة استغلال صیغة حریة الرأي واهانة الأدیان الالهیة والسماویة السامیة. اذ أن مسلمي العالم أجمع لا یحتقرون ولایهینون النبي عیسی علیه السلام ولا النبي موسی علیه السلام ولا باقي الانبیاء علیهم السلام بل یحترمونهم ویبجلونهم بکل صدق ومحبةحسب تعالیم القرآن العظیم

Monday, July 7, 2014

Muhammad and Aisha Animation New insulting to the Prophet of Islam

Anti-Islam activists in Europe again make and publish an offensive animation to Prophet of Islam with all the impertinence.
This animation ‘Aisha and Muhammad’ has been directed by Imran Firasat who has already taken refuge in Spain.

According to the news Muslims and Islamic groups in various parts express their protest against construction and publish of this animation. Animation director has announced that this animation will be published soon in other languages.
We express our opposition to this abominable act and we want from Muslims around the world as far as possible express their protest against this action.

We warn to the producers of this baseless animation that with the excuse of freedom of speech, don’t insult to the followers of divine religions. As Muslim world, never insult to followers of Jesus Christ and Moses and other prophets and respect for all the prophets according to teachings of Holy Quran.

American banks will be targeted by opposition of US

American people!
Do your banking. Infrastructure of banks will be lost very soon.
